Photo of NinaMone in Thailand.
We go to one of the cafe areas of the hotel so I can sit, calm down and regain my composure. I feel disgusted and I'm ready to cast stones at the men who nonchalantly indulge in such acts for a moment of pleasure without regard for the repercussions of their actions. I try to cope with all the emotions and anger and begin to feel overwhelmed by it all. I can't really lash out at the johns - although I'd like to - they are not, after all, the traffickers, and all my frustration nearly drives me to tears. Trying to come to terms with my own helplessness and anguish for the victims I suddenly realize that we need not shun and condemn these men but intstead educate and inform them of the process by which many of these girls are obtained, and the savagery and manipulation they endure while enslaved. This problem exists because there is a demand; these men create the demand. In order to eradicate the problem we must work on the demand, not just the traffickers. Some jurisdictions are jailing the johns to try to decrease demand and that has proven somewhat effective. But the laws are unevenly enforced, and often ignored, and more needs to be done.
Upon the completion of our trip I sat conversing with a male friend who had purchased sex from prostitutes during his visit to Thailand. I told him some of the stories we heard. He sat there appalled and said, "Nina, if men knew this they wouldn't sleep with prostitutes." While I do not believe all men would react in the same manner, many of them will. Many are not even aware that slavery exists today and is worst than it was during the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.
A shift in consciousness must occur throughout the world. We must no longer sweep the problem under the rug and act as if it doesn't exist. Sure, the problem is great but change will come about when each person realizes the power they possess as an individual and the momentum of unity. Educate yourself on the issue, tell people you meet about it, sponsor the education of a girl from an impoverished, rural community, support organizations (like AUSJ) that are working to educate the public and raise awareness on a larger scale, give to organizations working to rehabilitate women and children rescued from slavery. There are many things that can be done, but what will you do to see that slavery is finally abolishsed in our lifetime?
Story by NinaMone Williams